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Roman 'ADOUZ1E' Zinovev entered PUBG pro scene in 2018. The Russian organization Team Empire became the starting point in the player's esports career. Roman also played for Team Unique, and claimed the first place at GLL S3 during that time, and then joined Red Diamonds. He currently has more than 41.9K Twitch followers.
ADOUZ1E was born in Russia.
ADOUZ1E was born on July 5, 1997 in Russia and is 27 years old.
The birthday of ADOUZ1E is on July 5, 1997.
ADOUZ1E uses the HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse.
ADOUZ1E uses the ZOWIE G-SR mouse pad.
ADOUZ1E uses the Sennheiser MOMENTUM In-Ear gaming headset.
ADOUZ1E uses the BenQ ZOWIE XL2540 gaming monitor.
ADOUZ1E uses the HyperX Alloy FPS RGB gaming keyboard.
For gaming, ADOUZ1E uses an Intel Core i7-8700K CPU with a MSI GeForce GTX 1080 GPU. He uses a GIGABYTE Z370P D3 motherboard. He uses HyperX Predator 16GB memory.
ADOUZ1E is a serious gamer, professional player, and streamer born in 1997 who plays battle royale games and first-person shooters. He has a high-quality gaming rig.
ADOUZ1E uses the HyperX Pulsefire FPS as his gaming mouse, the ZOWIE G-SR as his mouse pad, the Sennheiser MOMENTUM In-Ear as his gaming headset, and the BenQ ZOWIE XL2540 as his gaming monitor and the HyperX Alloy FPS RGB gaming keyboard.
His gaming rig consists of an Intel Core i7-8700K CPU with a MSI GeForce GTX 1080 graphics card. He uses a GIGABYTE Z370P D3 motherboard. He uses HyperX Predator 16GB memory.
User comments on ADOUZ1E (2)
3 years ago
Sennheiser Momentum is his in-ears
Phill | GmrPC
3 years ago
Thanks, fixed.
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