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Octavian currently has more than 1.5M Twitch followers and 907K YouTube subscribers.
Kripparrian was born in Canada.
Kripparrian was born on June 30, 1987 in Canada and is 37 years old.
The birthday of Kripparrian is on June 30, 1987.
Kripparrian plays Hearthstone, Diablo IV, Path of Exile, Last Epoch, ... and other games.
Kripparrian uses the XTRFY M4 RGB KRIPPARRIAN RED gaming mouse.
Kripparrian uses the Sennheiser HMDC 27 gaming headset.
For gaming, Kripparrian uses an Intel Core i9-7900X CPU with a MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU. He uses a MSI X299M GAMING PRO CARBON AC motherboard. He uses ADATA XPG Spectrix D40 8GB memory and a WD Black 500GB SSD for storage.
Kripparrian is a serious gamer, professional player, and streamer born in 1987 who plays first-person shooters. He has a high-quality gaming rig.
Kripparrian uses the XTRFY M4 RGB KRIPPARRIAN RED as his gaming mouse, the Sennheiser HMDC 27 as his gaming headset
His gaming rig consists of an Intel Core i9-7900X CPU with a MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics card. He uses a MSI X299M GAMING PRO CARBON AC motherboard. He uses ADATA XPG Spectrix D40 8GB memory and a WD Black 500GB SSD for storage.
User comments on Kripparrian (4)
2 years ago
xtrfy m4 rgb kripparrian red is his mouse from a few days back source instagram and m4 website
Phill | GmrPC
2 years ago
Thanks, added.
2 years ago
kripp uses sennheiser hmdc 27. them look really non-gaming lol
Phill | GmrPC
2 years ago
Thanks, added.
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